Effects of the Annual 5 Yellow (五黄) on Health according to the Sectors


In Feng Shui circles, folks generally know of the following annual 3 Big Sha (三大杀) which are:

  1. The Grand Duke Jupiter or Tai Sui (太岁)
  2. Three Killings or San Sha (三杀)
  3. Five Yellow (五黄)

In this article or post, we shall talk about the effects of the Five Yellow on the household.  The Five Yellow is also known as the Lian Zhen (廉贞) star.  The effect of the Five Yellow is several times greater than the Three Killings and the Grand Duke Jupiter Star.  Therefore, folks must be extra mindful not to trigger its negative energies.

5 yellow earth structure

If there is any digging of the ground, drilling of holes or wall breaking taking place in the house sector where the Five Yellow resides, the health and luck of the household will suffer i.e. turn bad.  In particular, the health effects on the household’s occupants would be negative.  It is said that the negative effects would be seen and felt within 100 days of the earth digging, wall breaking or hole drilling event.

The table below shows the sector which the Five Yellow (五黄) occupies for the years from 2011 to 2023.

Year Jia Zi for the year Sector which the Five Yellow occupies
2011 辛卯 East
2012 壬辰 South East
2013 癸巳 Centre
2014 甲午 North West
2015 乙未 West
2016 丙申 North East
2017 丁酉 South
2018 戊戌 North
2019 己亥 South West
2020 庚子 East
2021 辛丑 South East
2022 壬寅 Centre
2023 癸卯 North West

1.  When the Five Yellow flies to the East () or South East (东南)

The bagua (八卦) for East and South East sectors are the Zhen (震) and Xun (巽)sectors respectively.  The related element is wood (木).  The Five Yellow which is Earth weakens wood.  Occupants’ gall bladder health and liver health are at risk. They have to be wary of food hygiene.  Their hands and feet would be easily injured.  Lastly, there would be possibility of skin problems.

2.  When the Five Yellow flies to the South ()

The bagua (八卦) for the South sector is Li (离).  The related element is fire (火).  Occupants’ eyes’ health is at risk. They have to be wary of heart problems as well.  They would also be exposed to blood disorders or illnesses.  Lastly, the risk of being injured by metal objects is also present.

3.  When the Five Yellow flies to the South West (西南) or North East (东北)

The bagua (八卦) for the South West and North East sectors are Kun (坤) and (艮) respectively.  The related element is earth (土).  Occupants’ digestive system i.e. intestines are at risk.  They have to wary of food hygiene and potential risk of food poisoning. The likelihood of belly, stomach and abdomen pains increases.  Lastly, there would be possibility of skin problems.

4.  When the Five Yellow flies to the West (西) or North West (西)

The bagua (八卦) for the West and North West sectors are Dui (兑) and Qian (乾) respectively.  The related element is metal (金).  Occupants’ respiratory system i.e. throat and lungs are at risk.  They would need to take care of pancreas health as well.

5.  When the Five Yellow flies to the North ()

The bagua (八卦) for the North sector is Kan (坎).  The related element is water (水).  Occupants’ kidney and urinary tract health is at risk. They have to be wary of pain in the waist region, as well.

The picture above shows the locations of the other flying stars in 2016 Bing Shen year.  We should note that the Sui Po Sha(岁破煞) shares the same location as the Five Yellow star next year.

Five Yellow in the North East (艮) in 2016

The Five Yellow flies into Gen sector next year.  So, refer to part 3 above for the potential adverse effects.  Occupants whose houses with their main door here and folks with rooms in the NE sector should take extra precautions to keep the sector as quiet as possible i.e. avoid any drilling, renovation, wall breaking or ground digging.

(pic courtesy of 2996.info)

(pic courtesy of 2996.info)

Cures for the Five Yellow

The following cures are normally used to counter the Five Yellow.  They are:

  1. Salt with coins cure
  2. Wind-Chime
  3. A pair of bronze Pi-Xie (辟邪)

Have either of these items ready for placement before Feb 2016.  Of the above three, I find the wind-chime to be the simplest to install.  If you need to drill a hole to place a hook to install, please do so before the li chun (立春) of 2016.

Six Rod Wind Chime

In the meantime, it’s going to be Oktoberfest soon.  So, don’t worry, be happy. :))

(pic courtesy of 2996.info)

(pic courtesy of 2996.info)

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