Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) – A pointer on what’s the best undertaking one should focus on for the year.

Many may be wondering why is a Zi Wei Dou Shu article referring to a Bazi or Li Chun 立春 chart for the year? And current year at that, 2023.  Well, the answer lies in the stem marked in the red box above and relating it to the table below.  Yes, it’s Gui 癸stem.

And since we would want our undertaking to bring us “abundance”, we would look at what’s in the Hua Lu 化禄 column which is already highlighted in yellow.  Why? Because, Hua Lu represents the following (but not limited to them…..)


Since the reference year is this year i.e. 2023 Gui Mao 癸卯 year and folks like this guy (whose chart below) wants to know what he should do this year, we look at where his PO JUN 破军  star(some call it Broken Soldier but I find this not reflective) is.

Based on the above Example Client chart, the Po Jun is in the 甲寅 Tiger palace (bottom left corner box for the un-initiated).  This location is the Annual Siblings palace for him.  Why Siblings Palace? Because it says 兄 in the box/palace which is the abbreviation for 兄弟 or “Siblings” in Chinese (Refer below).

If you are wondering why it is the Siblings’ palace based on the ZWDS Theory part, it’s because the Yin Palace is the 2nd Palace after we fix the Mao Palace (since it’s Gui Mao year) as no. 1. (aka Annual Self Palace) After that we count ainti-clock wise per the order below and stop at where the Po Jun is (which happens to be no. 2 out of 12).  Yours could be anywhere from 1 to 12 with different interpretations.  Just refer to table below:

So once, you overlap the Decade Palaces as well over the ZWDS chart, we get the following which augurs well for his Wealth, income and cash flow.

This is because the Jia Yin palace is also his Decade Wealth Palace (大限财 or 大财 in short form). Therefore, it would be worthwhile financially for the current year.

To sum it up, using the Po Jun star and the Annual Siblings Palaces as the “markers” or cues, I advised him to learn something relating to new markets or transformative aspects of his business / work / enterprise.  Why “learn”?  This is because the Siblings Palace is the Body (or Health) Palace of the Career Palace – Hence, the “product” of his Annual Career.  And he should learn this from someone in his social or industry’s circles as indicated by the 大友 (Decade Friends).  Those with some Zi Wei Dou Shu knowledge can more or less figure out why already.

And since he (The Client Po Jun example here) is someone born in a Gui 癸 Year i.e. 癸丑 year, he already has a Birth Year Hua Lu of the Po Jun star, he can expect the effects to be multiplied or super-enhanced, so to speak. After a week of thinking, he came back to me saying he is going to learn how to use a new software and also learn Japanese, 日本語 Nihongo. Kudos to him !!!

If you would like to know what should be your undertaking for the year, just refer to your ZWDS chart and ask your ZWDS consultant or me, ahem. Good Luck, my Rocinante1 crew dudes and dudettes.  



  1. Rocinante is the spaceship that the heroes of the TV Series “The Expanse” fly around in(Season 1 to 6 on NetFlix and Amazon Original.)

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