Date Selection (择日) – The significance of this coming 30th Aug 2019 (1st day of 8th lunar month 己亥 year) from Vedic Astrology, QMDJ & ZWDS (紫微斗数) viewpoints

(pic courtesy of

This morning, a friend of mine, Mr. G shared the following Vedic Astrology (an Indian or Hindu-based astrology system) chart.  It is for the upcoming Friday which is the Super New Moon timing.  For those relatively new to this “Super New Moon” term, it is a phenomenon in which the moon is at its nearest in distance from the Earth.  On this date, the 6 planetary bodies i.e. the Sun, the Moon and the 1st 4 planets nearest to the Sun in the solar system – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are in alignment in 1 (one) straight line.  Needless to say, the influence of the planetary bodies and the moon would be very strong, very influential and exert a lot of Energy onto us and other living beings in the Solar System (the Men from Mars, included, LOL).  So, based on Vedic, it’s a good day and time for meditation either in group or solo-basis.

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