Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) vs Bazi (八字) – the quick low down and comparisons.

It’s been a while since my last blog post, so here I am, hankering away at this one.  This would be a mostly an academic or theoretical one but nevertheless, still interesting enough for Destiny Analysis enthusiasts ala Chinese Metaphysics enthusiasts.

A few weeks after the Chinese New Year (Xin Chou 辛丑Ox Year 2021), I was approached a student of mine asking me on what is my take on the above two Chinese Astrology Systems and Methods i.e. which method and system is better, faster and more effective when it comes to reading or forecasting a person’s fortune, destiny or luck.  So, the verbal exchange became pretty lengthy and threw up some interesting points that I would like to share here with the rest of you.

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