Xin Chou (辛丑) Year 2021 – Forecast for the year of the Yin Metal Ox

Okay folks, for the upcoming Xin Chou 辛丑year’s forecast or preview, I had resolved or rather promised to myself and a couple of my readers that I would come up with the next year’s Annual Forecast piece a lot earlier than before as I was kinda late for Geng Zi 庚子 in which I only posted on the 52nd day of the lunar year (my bad). I’d thought I’d get to it before the Annual Reading frenzy and season starts otherwise I’d be chasing my tail all week with my eyes dazed from looking at my clients’ 2021 Annual Zi Wei Dou Shu charts. Well, the good thing is Xin Chou Ox year 2021 has 12 lunar months and 13 like what we went through this Rat year.

Alright! The Xin Chou year topic. Years which end with “1” would have a “Xin” (辛) stem on top.  In Bazi, Xin is often described as small refined metal, sparkling and glittering timepieces or jewellery.  Persons with this Day Stem are often seen as beautiful, attention grabbers, sentimental and value relationships. They look soft on the outside but are tough on the inside. Although Yin in nature, it has physical substance unlike other the Yin stems who don’t have a solid form. As such, it can cut you without you realizing it when they don’t want you near and when they do, they can choose to draw you close.

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